Learn to grow your developer blog or side project with SEO
Help people discover your tech blog or side project in a systematic way with this free course on SEO for developers.
Join over 8,000 developers who've learned SEO from my free courses ☝️
Hey, I'm Monica 👋
And I’ve been working in tech over 10 years – most of that time as a developer. In the last 4 years, I published 100+ articles and attracted over one million readers to my first real blog:
Google Analytics Daily Pageviews for 1 of my 4 websites
Then in 2020, I had some "free time" thanks to the pandemic and started growing several new projects. Turns out, I'd found a pretty repeatable process for getting readers and new users – thanks to knowing a bit of SEO!
Three blogs I started from scratch last year
That is to say, if SEO sounds like a “hack” or weird marketing magic, it’s not. You still have to write the articles. It doesn't happen overnight.
But like other technical problems, SEO can be approached systematically.
The problem is, 99% of the time, SEO is explained in a way that makes sense to marketers. And that's why so few developers are leveraging this super powerful tool to drive traffic to their websites.
(Even though you'd think devs could be better at understanding algorithms than anyone else!)
My free, 2-week SEO course and challenge is designed to help you:
- Learn how search engines work, so you can reason through SEO issues
- Discover common bugs that ruin your site’s rankings
- Use free tools to analyze your site’s search performance
- Write in-demand content using keywords (not the AOL kind 😉)
- Systematically grow your site through SEO!
Condensed into 6 bite-sized lessons with practical homework you can watch and apply to your website in under 20 minutes per day.
I hope you like it :)

What's inside the free course
This free mini-course on SEO for Developers consists of 6 video lessons. Accessible and ESL-friendly with captions.
Course Intro: How Search Works10 min
Learn why SEO still matters, how search engines work under the hood, and set up tools like Google Search Console.
Create Your Site Structure7 min
Create an optimal site structure for both users and search engine crawlers. Learn about common issues that trip both of them up.
Server vs Client-side SEO5 min
Discover or prevent common server-side SEO problems that confuse crawlers and can cause undesirable outcomes in Google’s index.
Find Keywords with Free Tools8 min
Learn how to find search terms people are looking for, how hard it is to rank for them, and find content ideas through keyword research.
Optimize Your First Blog Post10 min
Now that you’re set up on a site-level, we’ll dive into how to optimize a blog post for SEO from <head> to </body>.
Audit Your Website's SEO9 min
Learn your way around free tools you can use to audit your site for common SEO mistakes, and monitor for problems.
Why is this free? What's the catch? 🐠
No catch! SEO is a really massive topic. A paid course up to my standards would take me 6-12 months & dozens of lessons to create.
Right now, I'm busy growing my own projects (with SEO, of course). So you're getting these foundational lessons, 100% free.
If you like the course, you'll have the option (but zero obligation) to join our Pro Community. That's it!
Come on in, the water's fine
Get access to SEO for Devs today, completely free.
Welcome to the party ⛱
In the last year, my first free course Blogging for Devs has been taken by over 8,000 students. Here’s what they had to say about it.

One of my favourite newsletters is @monicalent's Blogging for Devs. It's a goldmine of little tips and tricks.

Massive thanks to @monicalent and your course bloggingfordevs.com.
This has been a HUGE help, especially with up skilling myself on SEO and keyword goodness that I had zero knowledge about.

Btw, recently signed up for your 'blogging for devs' course and the SEO lesson is 🔥🔥🔥!

If there is one person who helped me make 100s if not 1000s of extra $$ in sales, that is @monicalent!
Her advice and feedback about marketing, landing pages, SEO & much more had a huge impact on my site.

@monicalent thanks a lot for your #bloggingfordevs newsletter. It's been really insightful and helpful in setting up my blog.
If you're a developer trying to get into blogging, I'll definitely recommend checking out for her newsletter.

If you're writing (or planning to write) a technical blog, Monica's newsletter and course are full of insights it otherwise takes years to figure out.
Recommended, and I'm also a reader.

And yall! definitely give @monicalent's https://bloggingfordevs.com a go! this newsletter/course/guidance has much and lot of content thatfilled my gaps for tech blogging and SEO! 💯

Shoutout to @monicalent for her awesome Blogging For Devs course/newsletter which taught me a lot about SEO good practices.
Meet your host 🎩

Taking advice from strangers on the internet isn't really your thing? I get that. So let me introduce myself.
My name's Monica (@monicalent) and I've been writing code for 20+ years. In 2019, I was able to go full-time on my own SaaS product, thanks in part to my side income from blogging.
Unfortunately the pandemic hit, destroyed all my revenue streams (and motivation, honestly). But I did do something that turned out to be a good idea: Launching BloggingForDevs.com.
8,000+ students and a private community of 300+ people took my free course. And one of the lessons they loved most was about SEO.
Which surprised me, because usually developers are pretty skeptical of SEO.
But today, my SEO knowledge is a huge reason I've been able to grow my projects enough to replace my former tech salary.
So hopefully, this tiny course can help more developers start their SEO journey like I did four years ago.
Whether you've got an existing blog, plan to start a side project, or aren't sure if SEO is something you "should" be doing more, this course can help you learn how to build a site both users and search engines will love:
Join over 8,000 devs who've learned SEO from my free courses. It'll be fun!